Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog 4: "The Allegory of the Cave"

In The reading “Allegory of The Cave” the author tells us that there had been prisoners that had been thrown into a cave since their child hood. They had been chained up from their ankles and their neck so they were restricted from turning and moving around. The prisoners were chained up and forced to look at the wall only and were not allowed to see the opening of the cave, they hadn’t see the light of the sun for a long time. People would be walking behind them and they would have shapes of animals etc from the outside of the cave allowing the sun to give a shadow the prisoners thought that the shadow they saw was the real thing. Because they were not educated and did not know what was the real world they had been living in this illusion for a long time. For the prisoners a cow was just a round shape because that is what the shadow showed them? After a while the people that had kept the prisoners in the cave for so long had released them at a point in their lives and showed them the thing. They had gone around telling them what a real cow would look like and they would deny it because in the cave all the saw was shadows and for them a cow is just a big circular shape. When the prisoner’s instructor had been pointing at things the prisoner didn’t recognize any of it at all because for him that’s a lie and what he saw in the cave was real. The author just tells us that the prisoners in this reading had been living in an illusion for most of their lives and it is hard for you to accept what you are not used to.


  1. Although you seem to know all the symbolism of in the Allegory of the Cave, I am still unable to get the main idea of what it is all about. You basically took everything from the excerpt and rewrote it. Next time in your own words write your own depiction and what your concept was and how much you learned from it. Your grammar is good, but there are some points in your essay that just weren't necessary. Other than that excellent work and it shows that you understood completely what they author was trying to convey.

  2. here is my blog hope you enjoy mine as much as i enjoyed yours. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  3. Hello Felix my name is David Strack. Im from the ENG101 cluster. i had the pleasure of reading your blog post which i believe there is room for improvement. Writing a summary isn't an easy task so i give you credit for analyzing the story quite well but perhaps you should reread it again. The prisoners weren't thrown into the cave since their childhood. Socrates speaks of a scenario that shouldn't be understood literally but metaphorically. A correct summary states a main idea so that people that have not read it can get a grasp of the authors intent immediately. From what professor Luke taught us we should avoid the lesser important details. If you were to mention that socrates idea is that people live in ignorance and refuses to accept the truth even when presented with it, it could have added a better understanding of the passage is about. i hope my comment helped.please feel free to check out my blog:
